Liu Jin Xia (Emily Liu)

Through traditional Chinese painting, Liu Jinxia expresses the dialogue between beauty and spirituality captured in nature at its peak and passing moments. In the philosophy behind her artwork, she compares her process to a tree.  Her work is a part of her, as every branch is a painting and every leaf is the evolving tool that brings a piece to its creation. Each leaf is a medium, a feeling and technique; altering the perception of a painting's meaning. Just as leaves fall in burning autumn colors and bloom in crisp green in spring, a painting is a process for her to express these feelings that pass through time. The transformative nature of a tree conveys Liu Jinxia’s inner beauty that she reflects outwards into her art. “I like capturing the moment in which a flower blooms, a fruit ripens, a rain curtain passes, or how fog peaks over the mountains. I see beauty captured in these moments now lost in time.” 
In delicate movements and soft, gentle colors, Liu Jinxia’s paintings seek to transform in unity with the creation of all things. Each natural entity is captured in a moment of being, expressing its unique vitality and grace within a given moment. The movements of her brushwork capture a glimpse frozen in time through the elegance of an animal's form, the fragility of spring flowers and the texture of depth in a mountain. The intricate details in her imagery fuse into the materials she paints on, bringing a sense of timelessness into existence. The textures of her paper soften into bark between branches, the hairs of a tiger, and the tender petals of a flower in full bloom. The wispy, delicate forms in her drawings evoke spiritual harmony.  Liu Jinxia delves deeply into the rich, visual sensations that surround her. She feels this flow within nature, grasping it through the essence of her being and elegantly expressing it in soft but powerful movements of beauty.


Liu Jinxia is a Chinese artist from Beijing who currently lives in Sofia, Bulgaria. She has been exploring the beauty of nature in Traditional Chinese painting for ten years. Inspired by the essence of nature, she conveys moments in passing through her paintings. In her work she mainly paints on silk, gold dusted paper, Chinese and Japanese mineral colors, silk scrolls, and Xuan paper. On these materials, she paints calligraphy and nature imagery with traditional Chinese ink and watercolor. 
She paints organically to emulate the flow of nature by painting with a freehand brush technique. To capture the intricate detailing of plant life and animals she uses fine brushwork. Combining these two brush techniques allows her to illustrate the powerful yet delicate aspects of nature in a constant flow of spiritual rhythm. The materials she uses are tools to express the transitional aesthetic of nature. Flowers painted with mineral colors on silk appear vivid as it would on a spring day, whereas the same flowers painted on gold dusted paper intensifies the feeling of summer heat.
Liu Jinxia has a Bachelor’s degree in Traditional Chinese Painting from the College of Fine Arts Capital Normal University and a Master's degree in Fine Art from the Central Academy of Fine Arts in Beijing, China. She is currently doing her Ph.D. in Mural Paintings at the National Academy of Arts in Sofia, Bulgaria. In January, 2022 her first solo exhibition The Sides of All Creation was shown at the Xing Tan Art Museum located in Beijing. The exhibit was published and discussed in the online magazine, Art News of China. 
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